SWESC / About us / history of the company

History of the company

Pars Water and Soil Engineering Services Development Company is a state-owned company. This company was formed in 1991 under the name of "Country Water and Soil Engineering Services Company (Public Joint Stock Company)" and in implementation of paragraph 10 of Resolution No. 2265 / Dash dated 1993-2-8, merged with the former Qazvin Agricultural Machinery Services Company and Its amended articles of association were approved by the esteemed board of the government in the meeting dated 1993-09-29 and organized as one of the subsidiaries of the parent company specialized in agricultural services on 1993-09-29 in accordance with Article 44 of the Constitution and in accordance with the provisions of the meeting dated 2007- 11-24 Dear Board of Ministers and Resolution 2007-09-06 The Board of Assignment has been included in the numbers of transferable companies.